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Table 1 Empirical hypotheses

From: How do supply or demand shocks affect the US oil market?



Causality link

Supply-driven market integration

Supply forces influence the prices of refined products

\(WTI \Rightarrow Deriv\)

\(WTI + \Rightarrow Deriv +\)

\(WTI - \Rightarrow Deriv -\)

Rockets and feathers hypothesis

Refined products prices rise more quickly when crude oil prices increase than they plunge when crude oil prices drop

\(WTI + \Rightarrow Deriv +\)

\(WTI - \nRightarrow Deriv -\)

Demand-driven market integration (Verleger hypothesis)

Refined products are the main determinants of crude oil price

\(Deriv \Rightarrow WTI\)

\(Deriv + \Rightarrow WTI +\)

\(Deriv - \Rightarrow WTI -\)

Feedback mechanism

Both of demand-driven and supply-driven market integration affect any product

\(WTI \Leftrightarrow Deriv\)

\(WTI + \Leftrightarrow Deriv +\)

\(WTI - \Leftrightarrow Deriv -\)

  1. Own elaboration based on literature. WTI refers to West Texas Intermediate crude oil and Deriv refers to derivatives products, respectively. The signs + and − denotes the nature of the shocks, being + positive and − negative