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Table 2 Original features

From: A framework to improve churn prediction performance in retail banking

01. Adjusted overdraft limit [real]

17. Overdraft limit [real]

02. Balance value (inflow-outflow) of credit portability [real]

18. Paycheck value [real]

03. Balance value (inflow-outflow) of salary portability [real]

19. Professional profile [cat]

04. Category of the customer's bank agency [cat]

20. Savings account balance [real]

05. Checking account balance [real]

21. Segment (Method A) [cat]

06. Cohort [int]

22. Segment (Method B) [cat]

07. Credit card limit [real]

23. The region where the customer's bank agency is located [cat]

08. Credit score categorical [cat]

24. Type of credit portability [cat]

09. Credit score continuous [real]

25. Type of salary portability [cat]

10. Digital maturity [cat]

26. Value customer takes the credit value in the banking system [real]

11. Education level [cat]

27. Value of inflow of credit portability [real]

12. Gender [cat]

28. Value of inflow of salary portability [real]

13. Marital status [cat]

29. Value of outflow of credit portability [real]

14. Maximum viable overdraft limit [real]

30. Whether the customer has received a salary with the bank [bin]

15. Overall income [real]

31. Whether the customer is a civil servant [bin]

16. Overall overdraft limit [real]

32. Whether the customer is an employee in the company [bin]

  1. Binary features \(\left[\mathrm{bin}\right] \in \{0, 1\}\); real features \(\left[\mathrm{real}\right]\in {R}\); integer non-negatives features \(\left[\mathrm{int}\right]\in {Z}^{+}\); and categorical features [cat]