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Table 3 Themes and related highlights

From: Open banking and inclusive finance in the European Union: perspectives from the Dutch stakeholder ecosystem



Access to financial services

Access to a bank account does not necessarily mean access to financial services

PSD2 adoption

PSD2 adoption is limited, due to a combination of technical and cultural challenges within the limited scope of the PSD2

PSD2 limits for inclusive finance

The directive has been designed for other purposes other than inclusive finance. Adjustments are required to consider the underserved’s needs

The role of MFIs

The PSD2 is a huge potential opportunity for MFIs, but many barriers to their required digital transformations exist

Inclusive-finance ecosystems

There is no unified view on how platform-based ecosystems will evolve to promote inclusive practices

European (inclusive) OB

In order to emerge, European OB players will need substantial investments, local knowledge of the national markets, and support from coordination bodies