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Table 22 Variables and the corresponding definition

From: A hybrid model for stock price prediction based on multi-view heterogeneous data




The occurrence frequency of \(word_m\) in \(news_t\)


The occurrence frequency of \(word_m\) in the news corpus


The number of times that word w and category c co-occur


The number of times that word w occurs without category c


The number of times that category c occurs without word w


The number of times that neither category c nor word w occurs


The frequency of category \(c \in \{-1,1\}\) in news corpus

\(\xi _i\)

A slack variable


A penalty term controlling the cost to misclassification of samples

\(\alpha _{i}\)

A Lagrangian multiplier corresponding to sample \(x_i\)


The kernel function


A Gaussian kernel parameter

\(\beta _{m}\)

The weight of kernel \(k_{m}(x_{i},x_{j})\)


The first order differencing of a data series \(z_t\)


The autoregression order


The differencing order


The moving average order

\(\phi _{i}\)

The i-th autoregression parameter

\(\theta _{j}\)

The j-th moving average parameter

\(\epsilon _{t}\)

The error term at time t


Stock daily return on \(day_t\)


Trading volume on \(day_t\)


Turnover rate on \(day_t\)


Market cap on \(day_t\)

\(md_t=(r_t, tv_t, tr_t, mc_t)\)

The market data including four market variable on \(day_t\)


The k-th market variable on \(day_t\)


The maximum value of the k-th market variable

\(q_{\alpha }\)

The critical value of Nemenyi test


The number of involved algorithms


The number of stocks


The news window


The market data window


The weight of \(word_m\) obtained from \(T_1\)-days of news


The return obtained from the trading strategy on trading \(day_i\)

\(signal_i\in \{0,1\}\)

A dummy variable representing the corresponding strategy signal on trading \(day_i\)


The average of daily excess returns during the simulation period

\(\sigma _{e}\)

Volatility of daily excess returns during the simulation period


The risk-free rate of interest on the trading \(day_i\)


The daily return of stock j on trading \(day_i\)

\(signal_{i,j}\in \{0,1\}\)

The corresponding strategy signal of stock j on trading \(day_i\)