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Table 6 Low cost versus expensive costs/solutions

From: Smart cities from low cost to expensive solutions under an optimal analysis

Model indicators





Local GDP

Low cost implementation

Differentiated charging system;

\(\mathop {\max }\limits_{ i \to 1} \left( {SMART_{{GDP_{i} }} } \right) \gg GDP_{i} > 0.995\)

Progressive system of fines for environmental pollution applied to the local agents;

\({ } \cap \left( {{\text{SMART}}_{GDP} ,{\text{NEW}}_{{{\text{CAR}}}} } \right) > 0.652\)

Differentiated taxation of the locations which promote RDI.

\({ } \cap \left( {{\text{SMART}}_{GDP} ,{\text{RDI}}} \right) > 0.994\)

Increasing the collection in the interest of the local community

Financing subsequent smart city development projects

Development of smart infrastructure projects

Both options are desirable and allow local/regional GDP growth

Sustainable development

Increasing the quality of life

Smart city development


Expensive solution

Implementation of new technologies in local administration

Development of local research for the introduction of new technologies.

\({ } \cap \left( {{\text{SMART}}_{GDP} ,{\text{RDI}}} \right) \gg 0.994\)


\(\cap \left( {{\text{SMART}}_{GDP} ,{\text{IoT}}} \right) \gg 0.958\)

Resource economy

Increasing the income of the urban population Increasing the taxpayer satisfaction


Internet users

Low cost implementation

Supporting the educational policies for access to the new technologies and communications in schools

Creating an open society for the implementation of the new technologies

\(\cap \left( {{\text{IoT}},{\text{RDI}}} \right) > 0.973\)

By increasing the number of users on long term

Obtaining an educated local population, open to the new

Both options are desirable and allow the sustainability of the process, especially by inserting the new technologies in the school and give the process a high character of sustainable development


Expensive solution

Creation of urban networking centres

Activation of counselling and guidance cells led by specialists/experts

Creating IT clusters and developing solutions within them to local problems

\(\cap \left( {{\text{IoT}},{\text{RDI}}} \right) \gg 0.973\)

Immediate accessibility on short and medium term

Increasing the degree of adaptation to information technologies for the mature population

High possibilities to reduce unemployment and increase the quality of life through information



Low cost implementation

Implementation of the 9 stages of technology readiness level in innovation; (Comes et al. 2018)

Implementation of the benchmark in innovation

\({ } \cap \left( {{\text{RDI}},{\text{IoT}}} \right) > 0.973\)

Increasing the applicability of innovation on medium term

Connecting theory with practice

Both options are desirable and allow the sustainability of the innovation process and the use of the solutions for the smart city development with an effect in reducing the development costs and immediate operationalization of the measures (also benefiting from the technical support of the specialists who produced the innovation)


Expensive Solution

Creation of innovation clusters and their operationalization

Supporting the RDI process through local administration approaches (with the provision of resources and facilities)

\({ } \cap \left( {{\text{RDI}},{\text{Banking}}} \right) \gg 0.998\)

Intensifying innovation on medium and short term

Creating business opportunities

Integration of solutions within the smart city concept


Internet of Things (IoT)

Low cost implementation

Implementation of IoT at the level of surveillance processes (traffic, waste collection) in the second wave of applications

Creating integrated and electronically coordinated flows

Ensuring an integrated operational system at the level of local administration for the maintenance of the created flows.

\({ } \cap \left( {{\text{IoT}},{\text{NEW}}_{CAR} } \right) > 0.584\)

On the medium term, these flows will be operationalized, resulting in a saving of human and material resources at the level of local administration that will exceed the value of the investment during a time period assimilated to a discount rate of 8%

Both variants are desirable; they allow the sustainability of the monitoring process and the implementation of IoT, with effect on the consumption of resources and on the increase of the quality of the local administrative act. (Prince and David 2018)


Expensive solution

Introduction of teleoperation and telepresence systems with remote object monitoring and control

Development of risk sensor detection agent software for IoT’s efficiency and operationalization.

\({ } \cap \left( {{\text{IoT}},{\text{Banking}}} \right) \gg 0.975\)

On the medium and long term, it will be possible to manage with a very low cost and a maximum limitation of the risks the entire administrative flow at the locality level, which will lead to a maximization of the smart city rate


Internet banking

Low cost implementation

Multiplication of internet applications for accessing bank accounts and products

Stimulating the use of internet banking through various incentives granted to the customers

\(\cap \left( {{\text{Banking}},{\text{IoT}}} \right) > 0.975\)

The increase of internet banking activities on short term

The increase of the number of banking internet users on medium and long term

Increasing security of the banking operations on short, medium and long term

Both variants are desirable and allow the operational financing of the activities, current economic development, increasing the smart level of local development (smart city)


Expensive solution

Generalization of the internet banking access through single supervisory mechanism (SSM) and single resolution mechanism (SRM).

\({ } \cap \left( {{\text{Banking}},{\text{RDI}}} \right) \gg 0.998\)

Increasing the financial security on long term

Increasing the speed of accessing funds by shortening the analysis time

Supporting the sustainable development


The overall rate of motorization

Low cost Implementa-tion

Creation of the networks for alternative traffic of cyclists and mopeds

Expansion of parks and green spaces.

\({ } \cap \left( {{\text{NEW}}_{CAR} ,{\text{SMART}}_{GDP} } \right) > 0.652\)

Reducing pollution on short term

Traffic reduction

Increasing the quality of life

Both variants are desirable, they allow the decrease of pollution, achieving the objectives of sustainable development (environment component) and activating the urban quality indicators related to the smart city


Expensive solution

Creation of an operational infrastructure and an adequate capacity related to the urban traffic, which should limit the general motorization rate applied in the locality

Ensuring optimal power supplies for vehicles

\(\cap \left( {{\text{NEW}}_{CAR} ,{\text{SMART}}_{GDP} } \right) \gg 0.652\)

Reducing pollution on short term

Traffic decongestion;

Reducing the carbon footprint of the locality;

Increasing the quality of life of smart city residents


Motorized rate of green vehicles

Low cost implementation

Providing power supplies for green vehicles;

Application of the differentiated taxation system on the vehicles

\(\cap \left( {{\text{SMART}}_{GDP} ,{\text{NEW}}_{CAR} } \right) > 0.652\)

Increasing the motorization rate of the green vehicles on short term

Both variants are desirable; they allow the achievement of the sustainability objectives on the environment component;

Reduction of urban pollution, with long-term effect on increasing the quality of life;

Important pillar for smart city development


Expensive solution

Offering facilities for the construction of services dedicated to green vehicles;

Replacement of the local transport fleet with green vehicles.

\({ } \cap \left( {{\text{SMART}}_{GDP} ,{\text{NEW}}_{CAR} } \right) \gg 0.652\)

Increasing the motorization rate of the green vehicles on long term;

Reducing pollution

Increasing the quality of life


Motorization rate of polluting vehicles

Low cost Implementation

Application of the differentiated taxation system on the vehicles;

Establishment of areas with access restrictions for polluting vehicles

\(\cap \left( {{\text{SMART}}_{GDP} ,{\text{NEW}}_{CAR} } \right) > 0.652\)

Decrease in the engine rate of polluting vehicles on short term;

Reducing pollution;

Increasing the quality of life

Both variants are desirable; they allow monitoring the city's fleet of polluting vehicles and limiting it in time

Increasing sustainability

Increasing the degree of smart city development


Expensive solution

Establishment of pilot programs to stimulate the replacement of the polluting vehicles (providing facilities)

Establishment of a monitoring system of CO2 emissions produced by polluting vehicles whose effect should be manifested in strict monitoring of the city's car fleet.

\(\cap \left( {{\text{SMART}}_{GDP} ,{\text{NEW}}_{CAR} } \right) \gg 0.652\)

Decrease in the engine rate of polluting vehicles on medium termz

Reducing pollution

Increasing the quality of life