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Table 6 Expected impact of each independent variable on the dependent variable

From: A socioeconomic approach to the profile of microcredit holders from the Hispanic minority in the USA



Expected impact on \(b_k\)

Dependent variable

Punctuality of repayments


Independent variables

Personal information


Nannyonga (2000)


Kevane and Wydick (2001)


Johnson (2005)


Pollinger et al. (2007)


Papias and Ganesan (2009)


Campbell and Rogers (2012)


Agier and Szafarz (2013)


D’Espallier et al. (2011, 2013)

Ayayi and Sene (2014)


Berg et al. (2015)


Abdullah and Quayes (2016)


Bezboruah and Pillai (2017)


Dasgupta and Tabassum (2017)


Bilau and St-Pierre (2018)


Shahriar et al. (2020)



Nannyonga (2000)

Papias and Ganesan (2009)


Education level

Bhatt and Tang (2002)


Hadi et al. (2015)

Rokhim et al. (2022)


Marital status

Sooryamoorthy (2005)


Salazar (2008)

Santandreu et al. (2020)


Firm’s information

Closeness to the lender

Kassegn and Endris (2022)

Number of workers

Nguta and Huka (2013)



Von Pischke (1991)


Nannyonga (2000)


Oke et al. (2007)

Roslan and Mohd Zaini (2009)


Nawai and Shariff (2012)


Loan’s information

Loan principal

Dorfleitner and Oswald (2016)


Nawai and Shariff (2012)


Loan term

Dorfleitner and Oswald (2016)


Nartea (2012)


Mensah (2013)


Loan purpose

Nanayakkara and Stewart (2015)


Khan and Dewan (2017)

Kassegn and Endris (2022)

  1. Source: Own elaboration