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Table 8 The TCN architecture of the models

From: DeepPricing: pricing convertible bonds based on financial time-series generative adversarial networks

Module name


Temporal block 1


Temporal block 2


Temporal block 3


Temporal block 4


Temporal block 5


Temporal block 6


Temporal block 7


1 \(\times\) 1 Convolution


  1. Table 8 reports the specific arguments of the TCN architecture. A TCN is composed of multiple temporal block modules with arguments \((N_I, N_H, N_O, K, D)\) and an \(1\times 1\) convolution layer, where \(N_I\) stands for the input dimension,\(N_H\) stands for the hidden dimension,\(N_O\) stands for the output dimension data,K stands for the kernel size, and D stands for the dilation. The temporal block modules used in TCN mainly refer to Bai et al. (2018), and the specific module construction details are in