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Table 6 Definitions and sources of the variables

From: The role of R&D and economic policy uncertainty in Sri Lanka’s economic growth


Definition/Full name



Gross domestic product. For Sri Lanka, this is GDP at constant prices (Rs. billion, 2010) and for Japan, this is GDP at constant 2011 national prices (in mil. 2011US$)

Sri Lanka: IMF WEO, GDP Constant Prices, Rs. Billion, 2010

Japan: PWT9.0


Labour force. Sri Lanka’s labour force. For Japan, this is the number of persons engaged (in millions)

Sri Lanka: World Bank, WDI and CBSL, Labor force total

Japan: PWT9.0


Research and development (R&D). Sri Lanka’s R&D is computed by scaling R&D (% of GDP) by 100 and multiplying the result by nominal GDP (Rs. Million). For Japan, this is R&D expenditure, in million US dollars

Sri Lanka: World Bank, WDI Research and development expenditure (% of GDP)

Japan: OECD,


This is the total factor productivity (TFP) measured in constant national prices (2011 = 100) for Sri Lanka and Japan

Sri Lanka: FRED

Japan: PWT9.0


Number of Patent Applications

Sri Lanka: WIPO and NIPO

Japan: World Development Indicators


Economic policy uncertainty. This is the news-based World Uncertainty Index for Sri Lanka, constructed by Ahir et al. (2018)

  1. The table presents the definitions/full names and sources of the variables used in the empirical analysis