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Table 1 Examples of object description identification

From: Sustainable strategy for corporate governance based on the sentiment analysis of financial reports with CSR

Sentence emotion




Description emotion

+ 1

2013 年,面对复杂的外部环境和日益激烈的行业竞争,公司坚持“有质量的增长”,规模稳步增长,经营效率不断提升。(Faced with complicated external environment and increasingly fierce industry competition in 2013, the company adheres to the growth of quality, makes a steady rise in scale, and constantly improves operational efficiency.)

external environment



industry competition

increasingly fierce



steady rise

+ 1

operational efficiency

constantly improve

+ 1

+ 1

公司稳健的经营风格、审慎的财务管理以及良好的信用积累获得国际投资者认可,为拓展海外融资渠道创造了良好条件。(The firm’s stable operation style, prudent financial management and good credit accumulation are approved by international investors, which help create favorable conditions to expand overseas financing channels.)

operation style


+ 1

financial management


+ 1

credit accumulation


+ 1


受市场形势变化以及公司积极进行产品结构的调整,主动关停部分老车型的影响,报告期内,公司产销规模出现了下滑。(The company’s production and marketing scale have declined during the reporting period, due to the influence of changes in market conditions and active close of partly old models in order to adjust product structure.)

production and marketing scale




主要归因于化工产品价格同比下跌幅度较大,化工板块业绩同比下降。(The performance of chemical sector decreased due to price fall of chemical products.)

product price




这些都可能会对本公司生产经营和效益带来较大的影响。(All of these could lead to a large influence on the company’s product operation and efficiency.)

product operation and efficiency

large influence


  1. Note: the original corpus is in Chinese, and the contents in brackets are corresponding translation. Similarly hereinafter