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Table 8 VECM Granger Causality Test Results

From: Financial innovation and economic growth in Bangladesh


Short-run Causality

Lagged Error Correction Coefficient

Dependent Variables

Independent Variables

Model 1: VECM with (GDPPC, GEXP, CPI, M2/M1, TO)



∆ln GEXP

∆ln CPI

∆ln M2/M1

∆ln TO

ECT (−1)

 ∆ln GDPPC


0.16 (0.001)**

0.49 (0.75)

0.016 (0.002)**

0.16 (0.012)*

−0.75 (0.002)**

 ∆ln GEXP

8.41 (0.043)*


5.71 (0.174)


0.64 (0.221)

−0.05 (0.00)**

 ∆ln CPI

5.63 (0.121)

7.46 (0.122)


0.008 (0.001)**

5.81 (0.015)*

0.04 (0.152)

 ∆ln M2 M1

0.66 (0.021)*

1.25 (0.041)*

2.61 (0.002)**


0.49 (0.004)**

−0.48 (0.002)**

 ∆ln TO

1.06 (0.004)**

3.12 (0.001)**

0.28 (0.012)**

0.006 (0.001)**


−0.33 (0.005)**

Model 2: VECM with (GDPPC, GEXP, CPI, DCB, TO)



∆ln GEXP

∆ln CPI

∆ln TO

∆ln DCB


 ∆ln GDPPC


0.32 (0.003)**

0.67 (0.170)

0.24 (0.024)*

0.37 (0.009)**

−.025 (0.002)**

 ∆ln GEXP

2.01 (0.012)*


2.23 (0.154)

2.37 (0.017)*

2.74 (0.001)**

−0.54 (0.045)*

 ∆ln CPI

4.76 (0.118)

5.34 (0.024)*


5.99 (0.185)

1.51 (0.003)**

0.12 (0.41)

 ∆ln TO

0.42 (0.019)*

1.39 (0.002)**

1.24 (0.127)


0.07 (0.321)

−0.02 (0.006)**

 ∆ln DCB

6.09 (0.021)*

4.19 (0.005)**

7.21 (0.003)**

4.64 (0.42)


−0.10 (0.012)*

Model 3: VECM with (GDPPC, GEXP, CPI, GCF, TO)



∆ln GEXP

∆ln CPI

∆ln TO

∆ln GCF

ECT (−1)

 ∆ln GDPPC


1.48 (0.017)*

3.37 (0.178)

0.15 (0.001)**

0.22 (0.003)**

−0.37 (.025)**

 ∆ln GEXP

4.44 (0.12)


3.58 (0.002)**

0.24 (0.021)*

2.29 (0.012)*

−0.12 (0.035)*

 ∆ln CPI

6.15 (0.029)*

3.23 (0.017)*


2.27 (0.005)**

3.40 (0.001)**

−0.33 (0.159)

 ∆ln TO

6.36 (0.004)**

9.93 (0.001)**

7.55 (0.002)**


0.35 (0.042)

−0.11 (001)**

 ∆ln GCF

0.01 (0.001)**

5.56 (0.012)*

1.02 (0.145)

0.57 (0.002)**


−0.14 (0.002)**

  1. Note: 1. CPI: Consumer Price Index, M2/M1: Broad-to-Narrow Money, GEXP: Government Expenditure, GCF: Gross Capital Formation, DCB: Domestic Credit to Private Sector, TO: Trade Openness and GDPPC: Gross Domestic Product Per Capita. Variables are positively defined (see Table 1)
  2. Note 2: Values reported () in brackets are the associated probability of coefficients
  3. Note 3: (*) & (**) significance at 5% and 1%, respectively
  4. Note 4: Values reported here are the natural logs of the variables. We use natural log forms in our estimation
  5. Note 5: Δ denotes the first order difference operator
  6. Note 6: VECM is the Vector Error Correction Model and ECT Stands for Error Correction Term