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Table 2 Comparison of traditional banking businesses, Internet finance businesses, and blockchain + banking businesses

From: Blockchain application and outlook in the banking industry


Traditional banking businesses

Internet finance businesses

(FinTech 1.0)

Blockchain + banks

(FinTech 2.0)

Customer experience

Uniform scenarios

Rich scenarios

Rich scenarios

Homogenous service

Personalized service

Personalized service

Poor customer experience

Good customer experience

Good customer experience


Many intermediate links

Many intermediate links

Point-to-point transmission, disintermediation

Complex clearing process

Complex clearing process

Distributed ledger, transaction = clearing

Low efficiency

Low efficiency

High efficiency


Large amount of manual inspection

Small amount of manual inspection

Completely automated

Many intermediate links

Many intermediate links


High costs

High costs

Low costs


Centralized data storage

Can be tampered

Centralized data storage

Can be tampered

Distributed data storage

Cannot be tampered

Easy to leak users’ personal information

Easy to leak users’ personal information

Use of asymmetric encryption,

Users’ personal information is more secure

Poor safety

Poor safety

Good safety